CSIAM2024 会议回顾


Day 1

TM21 随机与智能计算

  1. 杜魁:On the Krylov Subspace Methods Tailored for Large-Scale Block Linear Systems.
    1. 同时对角化/Hessenberg化;Sketch and Precondition vs. Sketch and Solve.
  2. 徐玮谓:矩阵随机重整化理论及其应用.
    1. 使用QB代替QR,低秩节省性能开销;秩的检测。
  3. 肖传福:HOSCF:Efficient Decoupling Algorithm for Finding the Best Rank-One Approximation of a High-Order Tensor.
    1. 算法的解耦和耦合,张量的条件数与停止准则的设计。
  4. 丰博:First-Order Perturbation Theory of Trust-Region Subproblem.
    1. 良定性,条件数,一阶扰动分析。

TM51 代数特征值问题的算法与应用

  1. 李瑜:GCGE:A Package for Sovling Large-Scale Eigenvalue Problems by Parallel Block Damping Inverse Power Method.
    1. Dynamic Shifts,LOBPCG.
  2. 刘宇其:Improving Performance of Contour Integral-Based Nonlinear Eigensolver with Infinite GMRES.
    1. 类FEAST算法,Scaling以改善算法效果。
  3. 尹国建:Accelerating the FEAST Algorithm with Subspace Correction for Eigenproblems.
    1. 仿照Krylov子空间方法,FEAST算法中只包含搜索步骤,引入残差校正以扩大子空间规模。
  4. 张娟:Numerical method and Proconditioning of Quasiperiodic Schrödinger Eigenproblems.
    1. 将两个低维周期函数的和视作高维的周期函数的截面,使用投影方法求解原问题。

Day 2

TM56 谱方法前沿进展

  1. 沈捷:Efficient and Accurate Spectral Methods for Complex Domains.
    1. 将问题嵌入到稍大的球形区域,人工边界条件的构造(对方程的线性性有要求),对奇异点使用Lighting算法(对方程形式有要求)。
  2. 王海勇:Analysis of Hermite Approximation for Analytic Functions.
    1. Hermite多项式对应的Bernstein椭圆理论,展开系数的衰减速度至少是根指数级的。
  3. 袁惠芳:Sovling Fractional Differential Equations in Unbounded Domains via Rational Approximation.
    1. 使用一串高一阶的整数阶微分方程的解来逼近分数阶微分方程的解。
  4. 邵嗣烘:Adaptive Spectral Methods in Unbounded Domains.
    1. Scaling(重新布点), Moving(添加新点), and -adaptivity(调整展开阶).
  5. 刘文杰:Error Analysis of Gegenbauer Approximations in Fractional Space using Fractional Peano Kernel.
    1. 分数阶空间的逼近,分数阶Peano核的构造。
  6. 盛长涛:Exponentially Accurate Spectral Monte Carlo Method for Linear PDEs and their Error Estimates.
    1. 将Monte Carlo法的收敛提升到谱精度。
  7. 徐宽: Spectral Approximation of Convolution Operators of Fredholm Type.
    1. Fill-in技术,Legendre多项式对应积分算子的递推关系。

TM07 特征值计算的方法与应用

  1. 李铁香:A Novel Structure-Preserving Algorithm for Photonic Quasicrystals.
    1. 有周期性假设的无限维问题的低维化与重新拉回。
  2. 李胜国:Some New Eigenvalue Sovler Based on Hybrid Strategy and Mixed-precision Technique.
    1. 混合精度,低精度提供初始猜测,高精度提供精确解。
  3. 李瑜:A Bi-Orthogonal Structe-Preserving Eigensovler for Large-Scale Linear Response Eigenvalue Problems and Its Application in Bogoliubov-de Gennes Equations.
    1. 双正交技术。
  4. 梁启刚:A Two-Level Block Preconditioned Jacobi-Davidson Method for Multiplw and Clustered Eigenvalues od Elliptic Operators.
    1. 区域分解方法,Overlapping Schwarz Preconditioner.
  • Title: CSIAM2024 会议回顾
  • Author: Gypsophila
  • Created at : 2024-10-28 05:46:19
  • Updated at : 2024-12-21 17:11:00
  • Link: https://chenx.space/2024/10/28/CSIAM24/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.