‘The tau-method is both an algorithm and a philosophy. It was invented by Cornelius Lanczos in the same paper (1938) that gave the world the pseudospectral method.’ - Chebyshev and Fourier Spectral Methods, John P. Boyd
Orthogonal Polynomials
Basic definition, important characteristics and some useful properties of some orthogonal polynomials.
Mortensen's Petrov-Galerkin Spectral Method (MPG)
Mikael Mortensen. A Generic and Strict Banded Spectral Petrov-Galerkin Method for Differential Equations with Polynomial Coefficients. SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 45 (2023).
Efficient Spectral-Galerkin Method
A series of seminal papers by Jie Shen:
1.Direct Solvers for the Second and Fourth Order Equations Using Legendre Polynomials;
2.Direct Solvers for the Second and Fourth Order Equations Using Chebyshev Polynomials;
3.Polar and Cylindrical Geometries;
4.Spherical Geometries. -
The Ultraspherical Spectral Method
Sheehan Olver, Alex Townsend. A Fast and Well-Conditioned Spectral Method, SIAM Rev. 55 (2013)
Domain Decomposition Method
Schwarz method, Optimal Schwarz method, Krylov Subspace methdod.
USTC24F Algebra Course (MATH5002P)
第三章 一般环上的模,群的表示,半单代数 -
Elementary of Distribution Theory
USTC24F Advanced Real Analysis (MATH5001P) 广义函数初步
USTC24F Algebra Course (MATH5002P)
第二章 仿射代数几何初步,Gröbner基。 -
Weighted Residual Methods
Introduction to pseudo-spectral methods, method of moments, least squares, and Galerkin method.